HUEnergy™ Scientific Research & Development

for New Paradigm Holistic Healing™ across Industries

Advanced development of the HUEnergy™ research and studies extend from personal development and healthcare to food, plants, agriculture, animals, and Earth environment, such as water and forestry for New Paradigm Holistic Healing™ in all aspects.  In the past, experiments conducted by HUEnergy™ practitioners have demonstrated good results in increasing the yield of rice fields, fruit trees, animals, farming, fisheries, etc.  HUEnergy™ Methods can be applied in many aspects of daily life to improve spiritual and physical conditions, and Earth’s environment.

Yet, further research and collaboration are still needed to fully integrate, implement, and utilize the unlimited potentials of the Infinite Energy of the Universe for the betterment of humanity and planet Earth.  Research grants and funding, as well as talents and technical expertise in different areas are needed for collaboration to foster the integration and application of Infinite Energy into all aspects of life.


Holistic Spiritual Integration™ of HUEnergy™ across industries for Economic and Humanitarian Development

New human evolution involves new spiritual and economic evolution to transform the old economics of scarcity to the new economics of abundance in order to meet the demands of new humanity, with longevity of life and population growth.

HUEnergy™ allows the unfolding the innate latent super capabilities of humanity as the divine human potentials to solve world problems, fill the gaps of the under-served areas, and develop a New Spiritual Economy of Abundance as a building block of co-creating a New Paradise on Earth to fulfil purpose and mission of humanity.

Since late 1990’s, experiments on the utilization of Infinite Energy in farms, chicken ranch, fishery, nursery, rice fields, etc. had demonstrated positive results. Below is a summary of the positive effects in agricultural applications:

• More production in volume: fruits, rice, eggs, chicken, fish, shrimps, etc.
• More frequency of planting/seeding
• Higher density
• Better taste and longer lasting
• Reduce the use of chemicals and fertilizer

Though still at its infancy, the divine human potential of utilizing the Infinite Energy of the Universe, the Energy of Creator/God, in the economic world is endless.  As a multidisciplinary super science for Holistic Spiritual Integration™, the integration of the HUEnergy™ applications into many industries would offer new approaches and solutions for communities, businesses and government.  In addition, HUEnergy™ could be utilized in humanitarian projects, such as providing more food supply to reduce hunger around the world.  While solving world problems, HUEnergy™ will contribute to creating new industries, professions, careers, and jobs in many fields to develop a New Spiritual Economy™ of abundance, thereby turning the Divine Vision of New Paradise on Earth into Reality.



For interests in utilizing HUEnergy™ to collaborate on R&D or economic/humanitarian projects, please Click Here to make a request.