Purpose & Mission


The purpose of HUEnergy™ is to elevate the consciousness and energy vibrations of the Human Energy System to be in resonance with the Infinite Energy of the Universe, the Energy of Creator/God, for unity of body, mind, soul, and spirit for spiritual advancement, self-healing, expanding life span, and developing divine human potentials to fulfill the divine purpose and mission of humanity.

The collective divine purpose and mission of humanity include: (1) attain the energetic divine union with the Infinite Energy of God/Creator, (2) relief human sufferings of the Cycle of “Birth, Aging, Sickness, and Death to prolong lifespan, (3) transform the cascade crises in all areas to the new civilization of New Paradise on Earth, with longevity, joy, peace and prosperity for all.

The mission of HUEnergy™ as a multidisciplinary super science is to unify spiritual science and energy healing science to fill the gaps of the disintegrated and fragmented world for Holistic Spiritual Integration™ in all aspects of life and New Paradigm Holistic Healing™ across industries, starting with education and healthcare for spiritual and energy healing, then water, agriculture, aquaculture, farms, etc. for economic healing, and gradually expanding to air, soil, environmental related industries for planetary healing and world healing.  Thereby, brining holistic healing at the spiritual, micro, and macro levels globally and universally, and transforming the limitations of the old paradigm of duality that split the spiritual and physical world to the potentials of the new paradigm of wholeness that embraces both the spiritual and material aspects to create the new path of unity for a new phase of evolution to transform human destiny and co-create a New Paradise on Earth.

The aim is to bring forth the health, economic, and social benefits of HUEnergy™ utilizing divine consciousness and the highest energy frequency of Infinite Energy, the Energy of Creator/God, to overcome challenges/deadlocks, transform industries, as well as creating a New Spiritual Economy of Abundance with new industries, careers, and jobs to meet the demands of a new humanity with longevity of life in the new phase evolution.